Why is rack safety important?

Providing a safe workplace is an employer’s legal responsibility. Managers are liable if any of their workers are injured or worse while on the job. Proper rack safety protect your employees, product and equipment as well as keep you compliant with CSA and OSHA regulations.

What will inspectors be looking for when they visit us?

They generally ask 3 questions:

  1. Have the capacity limits of the racking been calculated by a professional engineer?
  2. Has the racking been inspected by an outside expert in past year?
  3. Is there an internal procedure in place for routine monthly inspections?

What does PSR stand for?

Pre-start health and Safety Review also known capacity reports in most areas.




Does my racking require a PSR capacity report?

Yes all governments require some form of a PSR capacity report.  MOL regulation #851 section 7 requires that employers must not load or operate racks until a PSR has been completed and sealed by a professional engineer.

How much does a PSR capacity report cost?

The cost of a PSR is largely dependent on the amount of racking, the number of elevations etc. A quick site visit by one of professional staff and we can usually provide a quote within 24-48hrs.

Does my pallet racking have to be inspected?

Yes regulations state that warehouses/facilities with pallet racking must conduct regular expert inspections.

Can I just do my own racking inspections?

Monthly (partial) inspections can be conducted internally but full annual inspections must be conducted by outside experts.

How often should my racking be inspected?

Most warehouses/facilities require annual inspections.